
The Sebary had been very quiet lately, so Seb thought that it was time to do something different. They held a meeting to talk about it (Gie of course, being the eldest, was chairman)

"We could hold another of your garden parties Gie". Said Blanche.
"Oh no!, not after what happened last time". Gie replied, referring to Seb getting stuck up the big tree and having to be rescued.

"Let us play hide and seek". Suggested Stefan. "I like that game, I always win!".

"Ee aye, that's because you get in your little aeroplane and you can see where we all are!. I think that is unfair". Seb chirped in.

"Oo!, it is not cheating, I have to do something like that. You are all much taller than I am"

Gie spoke up with great authority. "Stop arguing you two, I have an idea". The great Gie had spoken!!!.

Now when Gie gets an idea, it is usually a good one, so everybody went quiet. They waited a little time whilst Gie rubbed his nose and thought.

Blanche got a little impatient, "Do tell us what it is Gie, we are getting excited".
"Well" said Gie, rubbing his nose with both paws now, "What about us making next month's Calendar. I am sure Tracey will help us if we get stuck".

"By gum Gie, that's a smashing idea" Was Seb's reply, and everybody agreed.


They set to work, with Gie, of course doing all the brain work. Every now and again he rubbed his nose and thought hard, whilst the rest of the "Hug" looked on and helped him, all that is except Seb --- What did he do? Yes, you have guessed --- he made the tea and poured it out.

And of course, he drank most of it!!!




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