Auntie Thel finished her night shift at the hospital and went to have breakfast with Mam and Tracey. As she came through the front door, Tracey noticed that she was carrying a plastic shopping bag. "Have you brought your own food?" asked Tracey. "No" said Auntie Thel, "Its a thing which was laying about in my ward, nobody knows where it came from, and nobody wanted it, they were going to throw it out". She opened the bag and put her hand in. As it came back out a little beige, knitted woolly head appeared, followed by a little beige, knitted woolly body. It was a sad sight, not a shred of clothes to cover him, all lumpy and bumpy, cold and unloved! "I took him down to children's ward and tried to give him away, but nobody would have him, they said he was ugly. I'm taking him to the charity shop to see if they will take him in". Tracey loved soft toys, she had a lot of them living in her bedroom. "Oh, poor little thing" she said as she saw him there all lonely and sad. She looked at his unhappy little face and as he stared back at her, she thought she saw the beginnings of a mischievous, lop-sided little smile! "You can't take him to the charity shop! He can stay here for now". Thel handed him to Tracey, who studied him for a minute or two. All beige head, legs, arms and body. Two large round sewn eyes, black with little white pupils. A black nose on the end of his snout, sewn with wool of course, and that lop-sided mouth which looked like it just might smile! "Well" said Mam "If he's going to stay he should have a name". They all thought for a few moments, then Tracey said "Sebastian!. We'll call him Sebastian". So that was his new title. He was taken upstairs by Tracey, who talked to him all the time, but he didn't say a word, or even seem interested until he was introduced to Gie The Tie, then his little eyes seemed to glow, and that lop-sided smile really began to show on his face!.
Buzzy teaching Stefan the finer points of flying.
SEB MEETS GIEGie looked at Seb with curiosity, he was used to all sorts of teddy bears, but this one seemed a little different somehow. "This is Seb", said Tracey, "He has no home, so he will be staying with us for a little time". Gie greeted him with a big smile and said, "Hello Seb, I am Gienormous Edward II, but you may call me Gie. Cor!, you do look cold, have you got no clothes to wear? "EE, I don't have anything" Seb replied sadly, in an accent which was quit strange to Gie. "Well, you will have to borrow some of mine, they will fit you nicely". "By Ek, that's right good of you. EE you are kind" Seb said in a much more cheerful voice. "You don't half talk funny, where are you from" Gie asked. "I'm from Yorkshire, where everything good comes from, Yorkshire Puddings, Wensleydale Cheese, Mushy Peas, Pontefract Cakes" ----Seb set off on a long list of Yorkshire "Goodies". "All right, I get your meaning" Gie said. But it was too late, Seb was in full flow, telling about how fine and wonderful his native Yorkshire is. Gie went into the wardrobe to sort out some clothes, he found a nice blue and white sweater, and a pair of knitted, brown trousers. Those should fit him, he is about my size, he thought. Through the open wardrobe door, Seb could be heard talking away in a voice which now sounded very happy. Gie decided to leave him to it for a time, so he sat down on the floor. Ten minutes later Gie went back to Seb-----"Heartbeat Country, Last of the Summer Wine, Leeds Football Club"----Seb was still at it! "OK, OK! I get the message", said Gie, "Try these clothes on, see how they look" "By, I did enjoy that" Seb said, grinning all over his face. Gie grinned back at him, then they both hugged each other, and started laughing. It was the beginning of a great friendship! |
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