"Ee ek!, have you read the latest e-mail from our friends in Australia? They are still having a drought, it must be awful to have no rain". Seb was talking to the teds as they sat listening to the latest Spice Teddies record. All the teds agreed, and sat talking about how difficult life must be if you haven’t got enough water; all that is except Gie! he sat in the corner of the Sebary and rubbed his nose slowly with his paw. "Ooh, I think UWAG has an idea" said Blanche. "Do tell us what it is, please!" (UWAG is a name that the teds give Gie, it stands for Uncle Wise And Grand, because he is the oldest and wisest teddy in the hug) Now when Gie rubs his nose it usually means that he is forming a plan or hatching an idea, and today was no exception!
"Come on Seb" Gie stood up and took Seb’s paw in his. "We are going to do something about it". "What can we do? We sent a lot of water over there in cardboard boxes remember, but the metal staples rotted away and all the water leaked out somewhere over darkest Madagascar, and we haven’t got a hose pipe long enough to reach over to Oz". "I have an idea" Said Gie. Now when Gie has an idea it is usually brilliant - it may not work, but it is brilliant! Off they went, Gie leading the way, straight into the garage (where Dad keeps all his junk!), Seb picked up a big piece of cardboard, Gie got a tin of paint and a brush - he wouldn’t let Seb loose with them! Together they made a notice out and pinned it to the garage door. It read "Danger, Teddys at work - KEEP OUT". Fancy thinking that Gie and Seb could be dangerous!!!. For days and days they stayed in the garage, only coming out to eat and sleep. Click picture to see-- Anybody who went past could hear banging, hammering, clanging, clashing, the frequent shout of "Ouch!", and most of all the sound of singing!. No, it wasn’t the radio or the record player that dad had put amongst the junk, it was our "Awesome duo", Gie and Seb. As Seb would say "Ee by gum! what a noise". They didn’t need a notice to keep people out, nobody would come near when they heard their singing! At last the big day came for to show off their work. The garage door was opened with great ceremony, and with Duncan playing on his little bagpipes, and all the other teds gathered around cheering and shouting, the marvelous machine was wheeled out! What a strange looking thing it was, it had a converted satellite dish at both ends; a large magnet in the middle, inside the magnet was an old fashioned gramophone, and Gie sat in a room marked "Control". But the most interesting thing was a large box at the back which Gie called his "Secret Box Of Tricks". "How does it work?" asked Raggy Reg.
"Well" Gie replied "It is all very hard to understand,
but that thing at the front points out the direction of the rain, then the big
magnet pulls it in towards the slurp buds. They slurp it all in and put it into
the storage tank underneath. It is all to do with my Secret Box Of Tricks". By this time Tracey and Mam had came out to see what all the fuss was about, and when the teds told them what was happening, they had a good laugh! Seb got his rain clothes on and put his umbrella up. Gie switched the magnet on, and waited. Nothing happened! "Gie will be so disappointed, he always is when he
can’t help other people", said Tracey. All of a sudden, Seb felt drops of water on his paw. His face lit up and he shouted "It’s working, it’s working!". Gie just smiled (and looked very relieved) The teds all looked surprised at first, then they saw something funny and all laughed and cheered. Can you see in the picture, what they found funny?
Yes, of course, Mam had got the watering can from the garage and was sprinkling water from it onto Seb, you can see her hand in the picture! Tracey and Mam gave Gie a big cuddle, and said that he was so kind, always trying to help people. Then they all had a picnic on the lawn - with Gie the guest of honour of course! But there is no such word as can’t in Gie’s mind. No doubt he will come up with another idea, and maybe, just maybe, next time it will work! |
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